In Memoriam

John Schabert2007

Verified Classmate Deaths

(Click name for Obituary)

Duane Paul Cariveau
(Jul. 16, 1946 - July 6, 2007)

Ron Boom
(Aug 20, 1946 - Sept 23, 2023)

Gary Dubuque

(Sept 27, 1946 - July 23, 2021)

Bonita "Bonnie" L. Fortin Thompson
(April 16, 1946 - July 14, 2012)
Jim Hughes
May 24, 1946 - April 30, 2013)
Thomas R. Keogh
(Feb 4, 1946 - Feb 3, 2017)
Alan J. Larivee
(Jun 23, 1946 - Jun 19, 2000)

William Litzinger
(Feb 11, 1946 - Feb 14, 2004)

Joe Murphy
May 21, 1946 - Dec 16, 2013)
Kathryn Murray Bauers
(Aug 10, 1946 - Aug 23, 2003)
Janet Marie Leblanc Pelzl
Aug 26, 1946 - Feb 7, 2022
Mary Ellen Houle Rolfes
(Nov. 28, 1946 - May 12, 2013)
Thomas Charles Mitchell
(Aug 16, 1946 - Aug 25, 2014)
Antoinette M. Scholand Larson
(May 7, 1946 - August 22, 2015)

 Robert Skaar
(Feb 20, 1946 - Feb 18, 2018)



Reported/But Unverified Classmate Deaths

Sandra Lee Burns Schol
(1946 - October 10, 1986)

Pam Wolf Gala
(1946 - May 5, 2000)

Vickie Ellingsworth
(1946 - ????)

Mark Twain wrote in the New York Journal
of  June 2, 1897  of the incorrect
 reports of his death in the newspapers:

"The report of my death was an exaggeration"

If that be so with any of these classmates - please notify us of such via email



Faculty Deaths

Sister John Mary
Shirley Klecker Karel

(Unknown 1936 -  September 26, 2006)

Father Kenneth F. Knoke
(June 22, 1927 - June 8, 2000)