Video Memories 1963 - 1964
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Astronaut Gordon Cooper visits JFK in the White House after completing 22 orbits of earth and is awarded the Distinguished Service Medal  May 21, 1963


Classic Commercial - 1963 - Xerox 914 and Xerography


Dick Clark & American Bandstand dancers, March 1963 show


Terry Stafford "Suspicion" March 28, 1964


Pope John XXXIII Dies June 3, 1963


Alabama Governor George Wallace blocks entrance of state university to African-American students June 11, 1963


JFK, on 10-day European tour, gives his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech at
Berlin Wall June 26, 1963


Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream on August 28, 1963


Huntley-Brinkley interview JFK  Sept. 9, 1963 (1 Hr 30 Mn)

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South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother assassinated in coup d'etat.    CIA Archives   Nov 2, 1963


Walter Cronkite announces death of JFK Nov 22, 1963


THE JFK ASSASSINATION - "Four Days In November"


Lee Harvey Oswald Assassination November 24, 1963, at 11:21 am CST


 Jacqueline Kennedy thanks the Nation  January 14, 1964


Jacqueline Kennedy Film: John F. Kennedy Library, Early 1964


LBJ's 1st State of the Union Address 1964 Jan 8, 1964


US Surgeon General Luther Terry affirms that cigarette smoking causes cancer January 11, 1964

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Muhammad ali vs Sonny liston weigh-in before their first fight in 1964 - Ali's victory made him Heavyweight Champion of the World for the first time February 3, 1964


I Want To Hold Your Hand (Live) - The Beatles on Ed Sullivan Show Feb 9,1964


Beatles: Sullivan first saw them on CBS News/Cronkite


The Beatles - Pathe News interview (Return from America) - February 22, 1964


Bob Dylan-A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (1964)

Bob Dylan-A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (1964) by gillriser5

Terry Stafford "Suspicion" March 28, 1964


JFK Assassination Jack Ruby Sentenced To Death For The Murder Mar 14, 1964


LBJ signs Civil Rights Act of 1964 July 2, 1964


Rolling Stones in Concert 1964


Robert McNamara, JFK/LBJ and The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Passed 8-7-1964


1964-1965.Americans begining campaign to expand the war in both South and North Vietnam


Warren Commission Report (1964) - JFK assassination - CBS T.V Sept 24, 1964


1964 Oscar Winners


Khrushchev Resigns, 1964/10/15 (1964)


Dr Martin Luther King Jr Accepts the Nobel Peace Prize 10 December 1964


Journal TV - Almanac Newsreels : Year in Review: 1964